Additional Services
High-quality home inspection services backed by experience and care.
An in-depth inspection of critical areas of the home for evidence of wood-destroying organism activity and termite damage.
Radon results in 48 hours via our continuous radon monitoring unit. Preferred! Fast, accurate, radon test results.
Multiple samples will be taken – one outdoor air sample as a baseline control test, and an indoor air sample on each level. Additional surface samples may be performed at the discretion of the inspector.
A standard test for Microbiological and Inorganic items. A sample of your private well water will be assessed by an accredited lab and tested for potability.
A single vial radon in the water test sample will be taken and analyzed by a qualified laboratory.
This assessment determines whether your water is contaminated with highly toxic impurities including arsenic, uranium, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
An examination of the sewer line connecting a property to the municipal sewage system. It involves the insertion of a specialized camera into the sewer line to assess its condition and identify any issues such as pipe deterioration, blockages, cracks, or leaks.
An inspection of the current functionality of the system, condition of the tank, liquid levels, distribution box(es), leachfield, and pipes from the house to the system.
Thermal imaging inspections can detect a wide range of problems, including electrical faults, insulation defects, moisture intrusion, and HVAC problems.
An interactive 3D walkthrough which allows you to digitally tour your home. You’ll be able to walk through the home without actually being there. Using your computer, tablet, VR headset, or mobile device, you can easily move from room to room and see 360 degrees.